Pall PUREair System for Sikorsky S-61, SH-3, and AgustaWestland Sea King Series Helicopters product photo Primary L

Pall PUREair System for Sikorsky S-61, SH-3, and AgustaWestland Sea King Series Helicopters

For helicopters, search and rescue operations mean anxious and dangerous minutes spent hovering close to the sea or ground while the engine air intakes are battered by salt spray, sand, dust, and debris.

Salt accumulates on rotating parts, which can reduce the engine power available. Foreign Object Damage (FOD), icing, snow, and hot gas ingestion (HGI) also pose a dangerous threat to rescue helicopters.

Pall’s PUREair system is a “fit and forget” solution that’s ideal for these challenging operations.

The PUREair system shields engine inlets from airborne contamination, which results in:
  • Safer operation by protecting against FOD, ice, snow, sand, and salt spray
  • Improved operational capability in extreme environments
  • Prevention of cross-ingestion of FOD from an engine failure
  • Protection against engine erosion
On Sea King, S-61 and SH-3 helicopters, the PUREair unit consists of a box-shaped filter installed in front of the engine air intakes.

This equipment is currently in service with a number of operators in Europe, the Pacific, and North America.  A number of military operators have called it "the best thing ever fitted on a Sea King!".

Photo ©AgustaWestland.

Part Numbers:

  • QB0124-051 (Sea King)
  • QB0631-051 (S-61)
  • QB0773 (HH-3F)
1 The 05 suffix on the part number indicates that a snow and ice protection system is included.

Scavenge System:

  • Fan


  • Westland Mod No.7099 (Sea King)
For the Sea King helicopter, a number of winter trials were carried out in 1991/92 in Ottawa, Canada by the UK Ministry of Defence, in conjunction with the OEM. The objective was to carry out snow and icing trials on the Pall PUREair system, as well as other technologies, such as rotor blades, anti-icing system, and ice severity meters.  This allowed the helicopter to be certified for enhanced cold weather flight.


The PUREair is a “fit and forget” system - there are no inlet barrier filters to replace or clean.  As with all aircraft equipment, routine visual inspection is recommended.

    The Pall PUREair solution is an environmentally friendly alternative to oil wetted barrier filters. There is no filter replacement and no daily cleaning as with oil based solutions which are difficult and expensive to dispose of.

For additional information about this product, please contact your local Pall representative.

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For helicopters, search and rescue operations mean anxious and dangerous minutes spent hovering close to the sea or ground while the engine air intakes are battered by salt spray, sand, dust, and debris.

Salt accumulates on rotating parts, which can reduce the engine power available. Foreign Object Damage (FOD), icing, snow, and hot gas ingestion (HGI) also pose a dangerous threat to rescue helicopters.

Pall’s PUREair system is a “fit and forget” solution that’s ideal for these challenging operations.

The PUREair system shields engine inlets from airborne contamination, which results in:
  • Safer operation by protecting against FOD, ice, snow, sand, and salt spray
  • Improved operational capability in extreme environments
  • Prevention of cross-ingestion of FOD from an engine failure
  • Protection against engine erosion
On Sea King, S-61 and SH-3 helicopters, the PUREair unit consists of a box-shaped filter installed in front of the engine air intakes.

This equipment is currently in service with a number of operators in Europe, the Pacific, and North America.  A number of military operators have called it "the best thing ever fitted on a Sea King!".

Photo ©AgustaWestland.

Part Numbers:

  • QB0124-051 (Sea King)
  • QB0631-051 (S-61)
  • QB0773 (HH-3F)
1 The 05 suffix on the part number indicates that a snow and ice protection system is included.

Scavenge System:

  • Fan


  • Westland Mod No.7099 (Sea King)
For the Sea King helicopter, a number of winter trials were carried out in 1991/92 in Ottawa, Canada by the UK Ministry of Defence, in conjunction with the OEM. The objective was to carry out snow and icing trials on the Pall PUREair system, as well as other technologies, such as rotor blades, anti-icing system, and ice severity meters.  This allowed the helicopter to be certified for enhanced cold weather flight.


The PUREair is a “fit and forget” system - there are no inlet barrier filters to replace or clean.  As with all aircraft equipment, routine visual inspection is recommended.

    The Pall PUREair solution is an environmentally friendly alternative to oil wetted barrier filters. There is no filter replacement and no daily cleaning as with oil based solutions which are difficult and expensive to dispose of.

For additional information about this product, please contact your local Pall representative.
The Sea King/S61 helicopter is fitted with Pall's PUREair system, a “Fit and Forget”, solution that extends the erosion life of the engine.

Agusta Westland
  • AW109 Power
  • AW109S
  • AW119
  • AW139
  • 205 / UH-1
  • 206
  • CH-47
  • Dhruv Advanced Light
  • Mi 8
  • Mi 17
  • Mi 24, Mi 25, Mi 35
  • Mi 38
  • NH90
  • Sea King, S-61 and SH-3
Air Filters
Engine Air Filtration
Date Part Number Description
1971 QB0124 First design proposals prepared
1973 QB0124 Prototype PUREair Assembly built
1974 QB0124 Qualification tests complete
1975 QB0124 First production for 'Commando' helicopters for Egyptian Air Force
1979 QB0124 Following icing and salt trials at NGTE, Farnborough, UK, the PUREair system is extended to Sea King helicopters
1990-91 QB0124 Pall’s PUREair system supplied for operations in Gulf War
1991-92 -- Ottawa Winter Trials with improved PUREair system
1993 QB0124-04 At the request of the QinetiQ (Boscombe Down) research and test facility, introduction of the SNIPS (Snow and Ice Protection System), aimed at stopping ice particles from forming inside the filter plenum after engine shut-down. SNIPS also offers excellent foreign object protection.
1994 QB0124-04 UK Royal Navy and Royal Air Force purchase Fleet Fit of the PUREair system with SNIPS as Permanent Fit
1995 QB0124-04 Australian Royal Navy purchases Fleet Fit of the PUREair system with SNIPS
2008 QB0773 1971 QB0124 First design proposals prepared

PUREair Detail.

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