MEMBRAcart XL II Filter Cartridges product photo Primary L

MEMBRAcart XL II Filter Cartridges

Reliable Microbial Retention

MEMBRAcart XL II filter cartridges were developed and validated for the beverage industry to provide secure and reliable removal of spoilage microorganisms. The filter medium is a highly efficient polyethersulfone membrane which, in combination with the construction of the MEMBRAcart XL II filter, ensures excellent service life and filtration results.

The MEMBRAcart XL II is an excellent choice as a final filter prior to bottling or storage of beverages and liquid food products.


  • Inert filter material can preserve the organoleptic properties of the product
  • Reliable reduction of microorganisms
  • Broad chemical compatibility 
  • Repeated sterilization capability for economical operation
  • Easy to wet with cold water for integrity testing

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Reliable Microbial Retention

MEMBRAcart XL II filter cartridges were developed and validated for the beverage industry to provide secure and reliable removal of spoilage microorganisms. The filter medium is a highly efficient polyethersulfone membrane which, in combination with the construction of the MEMBRAcart XL II filter, ensures excellent service life and filtration results.

The MEMBRAcart XL II is an excellent choice as a final filter prior to bottling or storage of beverages and liquid food products.


  • Inert filter material can preserve the organoleptic properties of the product
  • Reliable reduction of microorganisms
  • Broad chemical compatibility 
  • Repeated sterilization capability for economical operation
  • Easy to wet with cold water for integrity testing


In order to ensure traceability each filter element is marked on the cage with ordering code and batch number. In addition, every filter cartridge bears an individual number. Product name, removal rating, ordering code and batch number are indicated on the packing label. 


Typical Titer Reduction1

Removal Rating Test Organism Titer Reduction
0.2 μm Brevundimonas diminuta >1010
0.45 μm Serratia marcescens >109
0.65 μm Saccharomyces cerevisiae >1010


Materials of Construction

  • End Caps: Polypropylene
  • Cage: Polypropylene 
  • Drainage / Support Nonwoven: Polypropylene
  • Filter Membrane: Polyethersulfone (Hydrophilic)
  • Core: Polypropylene
  • Adapter: Polypropylene (Stainless steel ring in adapter 7, 8 and 41)
  • O-ring Seals: Silicone elastomer


All construction parts of the MEMBRAcart XL II filter are thermo-plastically welded, that means no adhesives are used.


Technical Specifications


Nominal Length Nominal Filter Area
254 mm (10 in.) 0.6 m2 (6.5 ft2)
508 mm (20 in.) 1.2 m2 (13 ft2)
762 mm (30 in.) 1.8 m2 (19.5 ft2)
1016 mm (40 in.) 2.4 m2 (26 ft2)


Typical Flow Rate / Pressure Drop

MEMBRAcart XL II Filter Cartridge Flow Rates
Typical flow rate per 254 mm (10in.) element for clean water


Maximum allowable Differential Pressure

The maximum allowable differential pressure in a forward flow direction for MEMBRAcart XL II filters is shown in the table below.
Temperature Max. allowable Differential Pressure2
Up to 40 °C (104 °F) 500 kPa (5 bard) (72.51 psid)
40 °C to 80 °C (104 °F to 176 °F) 300 kPa (3 bard) (43.51 psid)


Sterilization and Sanitization

MEMBRAcart XL II filters can be repeatedly steam-sterilized or autoclaved in situ, or they can be sanitized with hot water.
Medium Temperature Max. allowable Differential Pressure Cumulative Time3
Steam 125 °C (257 °F) 30 kPa (0.3 bard) (4.4 psid) 50 hours4
Hot water 85 °C (185 °F) 250 kPa (2.5 bard) (36.3 psid) 50 hours
1The typical titer reduction is determined in laboratory liquid challenge tests on 10 in. filter
2In fully compatible fluids which do not chemically attack, soften or adversely affect the filter in any way.
3Measured under laboratory test conditions. The actual cumulative time depends on the process conditions.
4Note: 35 hours for 0.2 μm MEMBRAcart XL II filter cartridges.


  • Cartridges produced in a controlled environment 
  • Manufactured according to ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System
  • Each individual filter element is integrity tested prior to release from manufacturing
Ceramic Filters
This information is a guide to the part number structure and possible options. For availability of specific options and housing details, please contact Pall.


Example Part Number: 419 A 020 W 07 3 SP (See bold references in tables below.)


Part Number: 419 A < Removal Rating Code from Table 1 > W < Adaptor Code from Table 2 >
< Length Code from Table 3 > SP


Table 1 - Microbial Removal Rating

Code Rating
020 0.2 μm
045 0.45 μm
065 0.65 μm


Table 2 - Adaptor

Code Adaptor
03 SOE - single open end with flat closed end and external 222 O-rings
07 SOE - single open end with fin end, 2 locking tabs and external 226 O-rings
08 SOE - single open end with fin end and external 222 O-rings
41 SOE - single open end with fin end, 3 locking tabs and external 222 O-rings


Table 3 - Nominal Length

Code Length
1 254 mm (10 in.)
2 508 mm (20 in.)
3 762 mm (30 in.)
4 1016 mm (40 in.)

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