RCA216 / RCA217 / RCA218 / RCA219 product photo Primary L

RCA216 / RCA217 / RCA218 / RCA219

Deltadyne Differential Pressure Switch

Pall RCA series differential pressure indicators signal the need for filter element change by sensing the differential pressure between ports upstream and downstream of the filter element. They connect to the Deltadyne™ device port available on Pall filter housings.

Electrical Connection

The switch is wired normally closed. Using normally closed configuration allows for the detection of damaged or broken cables or disconnection. The switch will automatically reset when differential pressure is reduced.

Switch can be wired using either normally open or normally closed configuration. The switch will automatically reset when differential pressure is reduced.

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Deltadyne Differential Pressure Switch

Pall RCA series differential pressure indicators signal the need for filter element change by sensing the differential pressure between ports upstream and downstream of the filter element. They connect to the Deltadyne™ device port available on Pall filter housings.

Electrical Connection

The switch is wired normally closed. Using normally closed configuration allows for the detection of damaged or broken cables or disconnection. The switch will automatically reset when differential pressure is reduced.

Switch can be wired using either normally open or normally closed configuration. The switch will automatically reset when differential pressure is reduced.
Fatigue Test Pressure: 1 Million cycles at 0-400 bar (5800psi)
Operating Temperature: Maximum Operating Temperature 120 °C (250 °F)
Minimum Operating Temperature -20 °C (-4 °F)
Minimum Ambient Temperature: -40 °C (-40 °F)
Fluid Compatibility: Standard mineral oils and hydrocarbon-based synthetic Hydraulic and Lubrication fluids and Fuels
Materials of Construction: Brass body
Seal Materials: Fluorocarbon
Environmental: IP67 to IEC 60529
connected or unconnected
Normally closed single pole open on differential pressure exceeding set point
Switching Voltage: 48V DC Maximum
Switching Current: 0.5 A Maximum
Electrical Connectors: RCA 216 - Connector Deustch
DT04-2P to mate with Deutsch
DT06-2S receptacle
RCA 217 - Connector AMP Junior timer to mate with AMP junior timer receptacle 827551-3 and contacts 925596-1
Single pole, double throw (SPDT) switch state changes on differential pressure exceeding set point
Switching Voltage: 48V DC Maximum or 250V AC
Switching Current: 4 A Maximum
Electrical Connectors: Hirschmann type
Single pole, double throw (SPDT) switch state changes on differential pressure exceeding set point
Switching Voltage: 24V DC
Switching Current: 4 A Maximum
Electrical Connectors: Hirschmann type with red and green LEDs that illuminate when switch operates
Visual indicator:
Window changes from white to red on detnation. All units automatically reset when differential pressure drops below set-point.
System Interface: To fit all standard Pall threaded indicator ports
Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment
Pressure Switch P/N: RCA [Table 1] Z [Table 2] Z

Table 1 - Connector Option

Code Connector
216C Deutsch DT04-2P
217U AMP Junior Timer
218M Hirschmann
218R Hirscmann with Red and Green LED indicators
219D Visual Indicator

Table 2 - Pressure Setting

Code Pressure
090 2.4 ± 0.3 bard (35 ± 4 psid)
091 3.4 ± 0.4 bard (50 ± 6 psid)

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