
Pall Water filters are easily installed using quick release connector without closing the mains water supply.
Learn More
1. Why does it live in drinking water system?
2. What is ligionellosis?
3. Public buildings: Requirements to the public water drinking installation
Water filters act as efficient barrier against waterborne microorganisms such as Legionella and Pseudomonas

Pall Kleenpak disposable water filters for showers with a service life of upto 31 days

Pall Kleenpak disposable water filters for taps, with a service life of upto 31 days

Pall Kleenpak disposable water filters for taps and wall mounted shower heads with a service life of upto 31 days.
Water filters act as efficient barrier against waterborne microorganisms such as Legionella and Pseudomonas
Pall point-of-use water filters help avoid closure of water outlets
When drinking water systems within public or commercially used buildings reveal contamination with Legionella bacteria, local health authorities may advise immediate actions including restricted water use. Shower bans are a frequent consequence until remedial measures have been implemented and bacterial contamination within the pipework has been controlled. This may effect sports centres, gyms, schools, hotels, swimming pools, all kind of public buildings and also large apartment buildings. In order to avoid the closure of showers and taps during repair measures installation of Pall KleenpakTM filters gives an immediate solution for continued use of water outlets.
Pall KleenpakTM water filters are validated as an immediate measure against critical levels of microbial contamination
Pall KleenpakTM water filters can be easily and quickly installed on showers or taps using specific quick release connectors without any additional plumbing measures. These filters have a pore size of 0.2 µm, which is smaller than harmful water bacteria such as Legionella pneumophila. The filters have been validated for their bacterial retention using one of the smallest water bacteria called Brevundimonas diminuta (smaller than Legionella) according to the American Standard Test Method (ASTM) standard. Once installed those filters provide an immediate mechanical barrier against Legionella and other waterborne microorganisms, even at high concentrations. In contrast to chemical or thermal disinfection point-of-use filtration has the big advantage of neither affecting the chemical composition or taste of the water nor does it have the destructive effects on water pipes.
Pall KleenpakTM disposable water filters offer an immediate, validated barrier against waterborne microorganisms with maximum flexibility. They do not require long-term capital commitment and are easy to install.
Pall KleenpakTM water filters (KAQF4, KAQF42, KAQ31F1S, KAQ31F1S2, KAQ31F1R, KAQ31F1R2, KAQIN) retain microorganisms over their lifetime of up to 31 days independent of the water volume. Therefore Pall KleenpakTM water filters allow continued use of your drinking water installation even in cases of high bacterial contamination. They are an ideal complementary measure during remedial or maintenance work.
In order to achieve the highest filtration efficiency Pall KleenpakTM water filters contain 2 layers of 0.2 µm Supor® (polyethersulfone) bacteria retentive membrane with integrated prefiltration. The filter is 100% tested for membrane integrity during the manufacturing process. Pall KleenpakTM filters do not contain any resins or glue. Due to their robustness Pall KleenpakTM water filters can be used continuously at hot water temperatures of up to 60 °C and are also compatible with the so called Heat & Flush procedure (thermal shock treatment), where the entire water system is flushed with 70 °C hot water. These filters are compatible with 70 °C for up to 30 minutes cumulated over filter lifetime. Moreover Pall KleenpakTM water filters are compatible with common systemic chemical disinfection such as continuous chlorination, chlorine shock treatments, chlorine dioxide, peracetic acid and basic solution of pH > 12. The intgrated prefiltration membrane supports good flow rates over the filter lifetime.
Quick-release connectors are required for easy connection and disconnection of the water filters. Various connector types are displayed under "Accessories".

Pall Kleenpak water filters are validated as an immediate measure against critical levels of microbial contamination
Pall Kleenpak water filters can be easily and quickly installed on showers or taps using specific quick release connectors without any additional plumbing measures. There filters have a pore size of 0.2μm, which is smaller than harmful water bacteria such as Legionella pneumophila. The filters have been validated for their bacterial retention using one of the smallest water bacteria called Brevundimonas diminuta (smaller than Legionella) according to the American Standard Test Method (ASTM) standard. Once installed those filters provide an immediate mechanical barrier against Legionella and Legionella and other waterborne microorganisms, even at high concentrations. In contrast to chemical or thermal disinfection point-of-use filtration has the big advantage of neither affecting the chemical composition or taste of water nor does it have the destructive effects on water pipes.

Pall point-of-use water filters help avoid closure of water outlets
When drinking water systems within public or commercially used buildings reveal contamination with legionella bacteria, local health authorities may advice immediate actions including restricted water use. Shower bans are a frequent consequence until remedial measures have been implemented and bacterial contamination within the pipework has been controlled. This may effect sports centres, gyms, schools, hotels, swimming pools, all kind of public buildings and also large apartment building. In order to avoid the closure of showers and taps during repair measures installation of Pall Kleenpak filters gives an immediate solution for continued use of water outlets.