Medallion™ HP Series Liquid/Gas Coalescers


Pall’s Medallion™ HP line of liquid/gas coalescers is designed to meet the needs of the process industry, offering high performance and reduced operation and maintenance costs. Medallion coalescers can be used for many applications to enhance process performance.

Pall offers a full range of product options designed to meet various performance needs.

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Retention Rating

0.05-0.2 µm

Retention Rating

0.1-0.3 µm

Supracap™ 50 Depth Filter Capsules product photo

Supracap 50 depth filter capsules are designed for developing and optimizing a process during scale-up and scale-down studies. They can be used to quickly and accurately determine which series and grade of depth filter media will provide the best performance as well as the necessary filtration area required to meet process volume

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£ 37.00 - £ 37.00



  • Medallion™ HP Series Liquid/Gas Coalescers

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Pall’s Medallion™ HP line of liquid/gas coalescers is designed to meet the needs of the process industry, offering high performance and reduced operation and maintenance costs. Medallion coalescers can be used for many applications to enhance process performance.


Pall offers a full range of product options designed to meet various performance needs.


Features, Advantages, and Benefits of the Pall Medallion Liquid/Gas Coalescers

Features Advantages Benefits
Medallion media pack
  • High liquid removal per unit area
  • Fewer elements needed
  • Minimized vessel diameter
  • Reduced need for an upstream bulk separator
  • Reduced capital and installation costs
High-capacity large-diameter element
  • Fewer elements needed for a given gas flow rate
  • Minimized vessel diameter
  • Reduced capital and installation costs
  • Smaller space required for installation
High-effective filtration area
  • Fewer element changeouts needed
  • The high solids removal efficiency
  • Lower operating and maintenance costs

High-efficiency media and equipment

  • Lower maintenance costs and availability


  • Inlet/Outlet Reciprocating Compressor
  • Turbine Protection
  • Inlet/Outlet Amine Contactor
  • Low and Ultra-low NOx Burner Protection
  • Inlet/Outlet Glycol Contactor
  • Gas Separation Membrane Protection
  • Mole Sieve Protection
  • Sales Gas
  • Mercury Removal Catalyst Protection
  • Transmission Pipeline Gas
  • Pipeline Metering / Compression Stations


Materials of construction

Glass Microfiber Medium
A Style Compatible with most applications
  SOE P/N CS604LGT2H13
B Style Compatible with Amine and Ammonia gas
End caps 300 series SS



  • 99.999% at 0.3 micron per DOP test
  • 1 ppb downstream liquids (CAGI)1
Solids  99.7% for particles >0.3 micron per NaCl test
Max Burst Pressure  50 psid (3.45 bard) 
Maximum operating temperatures
  • 180°F (82.2 °C) in gas service with no water present
  • 140°F (60.0 °C) in gas service with water present


1 Per the modified ANSI/CAGI-400-1999 test procedure



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